patented new technique of proven accuracy in US government tests
Dr. Lawrence A. Farwell has invented, developed, proven, and patented the technique of Farwell Brain Fingerprinting, a new computer-based technology to identify the perpetrator of a crime accurately and scientifically by measuring brain-wave responses to crime-relevant words or pictures presented on a computer screen. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting has proven 100% accurate in over 120 tests, including tests on FBI agents, tests for a US intelligence agency and for the US Navy, and tests on real-life situations including actual crimes.
Featured on major TV networks, magazines, and newspapers worldwide
Farwell Brain Fingerprinting has been featured on CBS Evening News, ABC World News, CNN Headline News, the Discovery Channel, and the major networks in Canada and the United Kingdom, as well as in U.S. News and World Report, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and in print and electronic media throughout the world.
Law enforcement agencies agree to implement the technology
Ten law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and national levels in the Washington, DC area and in Iowa have agreed to implement Farwell Brain Fingerprinting once appropriate funding is obtained.
Scientific detection of the record of the crime in the perpetrator’s brain
Farwell Brain Fingerprinting is based on the principle that the brain is central to all human acts. In a criminal act, there may or may not be many kinds of peripheral evidence, but the brain is always there, planning, executing, and recording the crime. The fundamental difference between a perpetrator and a falsely accused, innocent person is that the perpetrator, having committed the crime, has the details of the crime stored in his brain, and the innocent suspect does not. This is what Farwell Brain Fingerprinting detects scientifically.
Matching evidence from a crime scene with evidence on the perpetrator
Farwell Brain Fingerprinting matches evidence from a crime scene with evidence stored in the brain of the perpetrator, similarly to the way conventional fingerprinting matches fingerprints at the crime scene with the fingers of the perpetrator, and DNA fingerprinting matches biological samples from the crime scene with the DNA in the body of the perpetrator.
How the technology works
Farwell Brain Fingerprinting works as follows. Words or pictures relevant to a crime are flashed on a computer screen, along with other, irrelevant words or pictures. Electrical brain responses are measured non-invasively through a patented headband equipped with sensors. Dr. Farwell has discovered that a specific brain-wave response called a MERMER (memory and encoding related multifaceted electroencephalographic response) is elicited when the brain processes noteworthy information it recognizes.
Thus, when details of the crime that only the perpetrator would know are presented, a MERMER is emitted by the brain of a perpetrator, but not by the brain of an innocent suspect. In Farwell Brain Fingerprinting, a computer analyzes the brain response to detect the MERMER, and thus determines scientifically whether or not the specific crime-relevant information is stored in the brain of the suspect.
Effectively solving the central problem in a trillion-dollar market
Local, state, and federal governments in America now spend approximately $100 billion per year to operate the criminal justice system. In addition, individuals and corporations spend approximately $65 billion on security operations, including internal investigations. The total global government budget devoted to crime has been estimated at approximately $750 billion annually. Including private sector security operations, the figure is over one trillion dollars. This does not include crime-related insurance costs, military and intelligence applications, the costs incurred by defendants in criminal cases, or the cost in life and property to crime victims.
Farwell Brain Fingerprinting can solve many, perhaps most of these crimes, more quickly, accurately, and scientifically than has been possible before, and thus can save billions of dollars annually in the US alone.
$4 Million spent to develop mature technology
Approximately four million dollars in grants and contracts from the US government has been spent on research and development culminating in a fully developed technology ready for widespread application. No debt has been accumulated in this process.
Unique, patented technology
Dr. Farwell holds three patents on the technology, and no competing technology is currently known to exist.
Comparison with other technologies
Conventional fingerprinting and DNA match physical evidence from a crime scene with evidence on the person of the perpetrator. Similarly, Brain Fingerprinting matches informational evidence from the crime scene with evidence stored in the brain. Fingerprints and DNA are available in only 1% of crimes. The brain and the evidence recorded in it are always there.
This has nothing to do with lie detection. Rather, it is a scientific way to determine if someone has committed a specific crime. No questions are asked and no answers are given during Farwell Brain Fingerprinting. As with DNA and fingerprints, the results are the same whether the person has lied or told the truth at any time.
Accurate, scientific technique saves resources
By providing an accurate, scientific means of identifying the perpetrator of a crime and clearing innocent suspects, Farwell Brain Fingerprinting will provide substantial value immediately for law enforcement organizations, corporations, attorneys, and individuals. Once the authorities know with certainty who has committed a crime, all resources can be devoted to bringing the perpetrator to justice, rather than to seeking additional leads or pursuing innocent suspects.
Commanding legal position
Because of its accuracy and scientific nature, we believe that Brain Fingerprinting will be admissible in court once the necessary test cases have been tried. Once this process is completed, the economic and practical value of Farwell Brain Fingerprinting will be significantly enhanced.
Goal: further truth, reduce crime
The goal of the Human Brain Research Laboratory, Inc. and affiliated organizations (the "Company") is to implement Farwell Brain Fingerprinting worldwide as quickly as possible, to strengthen mankind’s ability to discover the truth, and to substantially reduce the human suffering and cost in money and resources resulting from crime in the world today.
Farwell Brain Fingerprinting is a revolutionary new technology for solving crimes, with a record of 100% accuracy in research with US government agencies and other applications. The technology is proprietary and patented. Farwell Brain Fingerprinting has had extensive media coverage around the world. The technology fulfills an urgent need for governments, law enforcement agencies, corporations, and individuals in a trillion-dollar worldwide market. The technology is fully developed and available for application in the field.
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